Lex Limbu on The Facebook Movement

Sharing Lex Limbu’s post on recent rally organized by group of Nepali youth to demand that the constitution be drafted by the May 28 deadline.

Protesters at the rally. Image via Lex Limbu.

”The best part is that the event was started from a small group in Facebook and was able to collect 2000 people ultimately” says Abhash Thapa who was one of the 2000 outside the Constituent Assembly at BICC in Kathmandu today (14/05/11). Sahana Bajracharya (pictured above) described it as ”The Facebook Movement” whilst rocker Abhaya Subba took to Facebook to share this ”LOCK THE TREASURY! No work,no pay. BINA KAAM, CHHAINA DAAM. No more waiting…start working on the draft asap.”

If your ignorant political awareness on the ongoing of Nepal is limited then all this recent spate of protest’s are due to the Government extending the constitution deadline by another year. The people have been left hanging enough, given empty promises, hope’s that have just come crashing down – give them a constitution. The original deadline set in 2008 was for May 28th 2010 but now the current Govnt has decided to extend it by another year, May 20th 2012.

Lex is a student and part time blogger based in London. Visit his blog for more posts. Shared with permission, this post originally appeared on May 14, 2011.